Rotary damper applications

Motion control with TOK rotary dampers

Sliding screen door

GIF animation of Sliding screen door

Rotary dampers control the retraction speed of the screen door and reduce the impact.
➢ Soften the noise from impact
➢ Prevent slamming of fingers

Screen door | Barrier reel | Winding device | Coil winder | Projector screen

Product Families
Continuous rotation angle dampers

Garbage can lid

GIF animation of Garbage Can Lid

Rotary dampers can be realized soft-closing by controlling speed when closing doors or lids.
➢ Protect from impact damage
➢ Soften the noise from impact
➢ Prevent slamming of fingers

Garbage can lid | Toilet seat and cover | Piano lid | Printer lid

Product Families
Partial rotation angle dampers for horizontal use

Console box lid

GIF animation of Console Box Lid

Rotary dampers act as a brake by slowing the flip-up motion via spring force.
➢ Ensure safety

Automobile  console box | Wire management box for office desk |
| Rice cooker lid | Wall mounted folding rack

Product Families
Continuous rotation dampers
Partial rotation angle dampers for horizontal use

Blinds lifting

GIF animation of Blinds Lifting

Slow movement can be achieved by opening/closing a door or lid at a constant speed.
➢ Protect from impact damage
➢ Soften the noise from impact
➢ Prevent slamming of fingers

Blinds and shades | Screen door

Product Families
Continuous rotation angle dampers

Folding table

GIF animation of Folding Table

To begin, rotary dampers can be set at a high torque in the area of movement,
and then the torque can gradually be reduced.
➢ Protect from impact damage
➢ Soften the noise from impact
➢ Prevent slamming of fingers

Glove compartment | Display case lid | Wall mounted folding table/seat

Product Families
Partial rotation angle dampers for vertical use